Effective Date: May 1, 2009
Revised: June 15, 2017
Purpose: To describe communication procedures for proposed changes in structure.
Sources: APASC Meeting Notes, June 1999
TATF commendation for resolution – TATF Meeting Notes, October 1999
JLBC report including resolution – JLBC Report, 2000
Responsibility & Approval: GEATF / AZTransfer Steering Committee

Policy Changes to AGEC structure proposed by Arizona’s public institutions of higher education should:

  1. Consider transfer articulation, including equivalencies and general education applicability
  2. Submit the proposal to the GEATF for discussion and recommendation, and
  3. Include a proposed and reasonable implementation date.

The GEATF will forward its recommendation to the AZTransfer Executive and Steering Committees for consideration and approval. Agreed upon resolution will be communicated to all parties by the AZTransfer staff.

Institutional Implementation: AZTransfer Facilitator


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