Effective Date: Reaffirmed May 1, 2009
Revised: February 16, 2017, Revised February 6, 2020
Purpose: To describe permissible mathematics accommodation to AGEC for those with documented disability.
Sources: Policy Language Citation – GEATF Meeting Notes, May 2000
APASC Acceptance – APASC Meeting Notes, June 2000
*Responsibility & Approval: *GEATF / AZTransfer Steering Committee
1. Substitutions of coursework meeting the AGEC-A mathematics requirement will be permitted for students with a documented disability affecting their potential for success in college level math. A substitution of coursework that meets the AGEC-A Math learning outcome may be approved by a community college for individual students to satisfy the AGEC-A math requirement.
2. As math has been determined essential for the AGEC-B and AGEC-S, no substitution will be granted for these AGECs.
Implementation: AZTransfer Facilitator
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