This new feature enables organizations to inject custom property information into Word documents, which will automatically update each time a document is created or saved after making changes. This adds a layer of automation, making document management within EPC much easier as documents progress through various stages, such as drafting, approval, and publishing.

In this topic, we’ll provide you with a comprehensive step-by-step guide to using this feature, as well as list the custom properties available for your use.

Step-by-Step Guide

To view custom properties and inject specific UDAs as custom properties in your Word document, follow these steps:

  1. Open the ‘File’ tab in your Word document.
  2. Navigate to ‘Info’.
  3. Click on ‘Properties’ at the top.
  4. Select ‘Advanced Properties’.
  5. Select the ‘Custom’ tab.
  6. To add UDAs as custom properties:
    1. In the ‘Name’ box, type uda_[YourUdaName] (e.g., uda_date, uda_delay, etc.).
    2. In the ‘Value’ field, type a space. This field needs to be populated in order to move on to the next step, but what is written will not impact the result.
    3. Click ‘Add’.
    4. Click ‘OK’ to save your custom property settings.

To incorporate the custom properties into your Word document’s body, follow these steps:

  1. In the desired part of your Word document, go to the ‘Insert’ tab.
  2. Select ‘Quick Parts.
  3. Choose ‘Field’.
  4. In the ‘Categories’ field, select ‘Document information’.
  5. In the ‘Field names:’ field, choose ‘DocProperty
  6. Select the desired custom property in the ‘Field Properties’ section.
  7. Click ‘OK’ to add it to your document.

Configuring in EPC:

  1. Change The Advanced Setting in EPC:
    • In EPC’s Advanced settings, change the DOCUMENT_INJECT_CUSTOM_PROPERTIES setting from ‘false’ to ‘true’.
  1. Upload the Document to EPC:
    • If the document is not already in EPC, upload it to the desired location.
  2. Automatic Updating:
    • EPC automatically populates correct values when you upload, approve, publish, or review documents.

Custom Properties Available

  • approvalStatus: Status of the document’s approval cycle (approved, pending, rejected)
  • approvedBy: Name of the approver
  • comment: Comment left by the approver when approving or rejecting the document
  • creationDate: Date when the document was created in EPC
  • lastReviewedBy: Reviewer of the document’s last review cycle
  • lastReviewedDate: Date of the document’s last review
  • modificationDate: Last date the document was edited
  • modifiedBy: Name of the editor
  • name: Name of the document
  • nodeId: UID
  • referenceNumber: Identifier
  • systemSerialNumber: SSN
  • status: Status of the document (published, in progress, approved, etc)
  • version: Current version of the document in EPC


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