Effortlessly transfer your EPC data to Microsoft Visio using the Visio Export. Follow these steps to create a .vsdx file, providing a seamless transition between your EPC environment and Visio.

Exporting Data from EPC

  1. Navigate to the ellipsis button located at the far right of the main navigation bar
  2. Click Export
  3. Select Visio (.vsdx) format
  4. In the “Select a Process” section, type the process name in the text box or search within the tree selector
  5. Select the desired process
  6. Click “Export
  7. Stay productive while the export is in progress; a notification will alert you upon completion.
  8. Access the download link in the notification page.

Re-Layout Process Map in Visio

Ensure readability in Visio with these steps:

  1. Open the exported .vsdx file in Microsoft Visio
  2. Navigate to the “Design” tab
  3. Select “Re-Layout Page” from the menu
  4. Opt for “Left to Right
  5. After re-layout, you’ll see a map similar to EPC’s Swimlanes format


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