Review cycles provide organizations with an automated method to regularly review and update their objects based on predefined frequencies set in the Governance module. This ensures that content and data remain current and compliant with corporate standards, eliminating the need for frequent republishing.

In this topic we’ll discuss the prerequisites for implementing a review cycle, the steps to implement it, and how to review objects.

Prerequisites for Implementing a Review Cycle

  • The object has a published version.
  • The object is assigned an accountable resource, group, or role, responsible for conducting the review.

Steps to Implement Review Cycles

  1. Navigate to the Governance module.
  2. Find the desired object within the list by using the sorting and filtering options.
  3. Locate the ‘Review Frequency’ column and hover over the object. Click on the pen icon to modify the review frequency.

  1. You will have the choice between:
    • TBD
    • No review cycle
    • 3 months
    • 6 months
    • 12 months
    • 18 months
    • 24 months
    • 30 months
    • 36 months
    • 48 months
    • 60 months

  1. Thirty days before a review is due, accountable users receive email notifications.

How to Review Objects

  1. Access the To Do module.
  2. Click on the “Objects to Review” button to filter pending review tasks.

  1. Use the Action Type filter menu and choose “Revision Cycle Review” option.

  1. Click on the object name in the list to navigate to the object.
  2. Open the “Pending Review” action box.
  3. If applicable, toggle to the published version of the object to ensure the review is conducted on the version visible to business users.

  1. Review the object.
  1. Once the review is complete, click on “Complete Review” button within the action box to finalize the cycle.

  1. The review cycle restarts based on the set frequency to maintain alignment with corporate standards. If no changes are needed, there’s no requirement to republish the object.


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