Create a project with a Microsoft Visual Studio project file(.dsw, .sln, .vcxproj, .vcproj). Except in special cases, the information required for the build is automatically entered, so there is nothing to specify by the user.

  1. Enter the project name in [Project name].
  2. Specify the Visual Studio project file to import in [Visual Studio Project].
  3. If there are values that must be set before calling the compiler of the toolchain to be registered, add a script file to set the values to [Advanced]-> [Environment Script File].
  4. Click [Next] to move to the next screen. When you click Done, module settings are randomly selected for the imported Visual Studio project.
  1. Select the module to be activated from the modules included in the Visual Studio project.
  2. Select the configuration of each module.
    • [Set All Configurations …] allows you to change the configuration for all modules in a batch.
  3. After all settings are completed, click the [Finish] button to create the project.

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