You can download the Envelope app directly from Settings>Notifications>Settings in the Admin Panel.
Scroll down to the Apps subsection.
- Transfer it to the device you wish to use as a dedicated messenger.
- Log in with a messenger user.
!Please be advised that the functionality of the Envelope App and the TaxiCaller For Drivers mobile application relies on 3rd-party services for sending SMS notifications to your passengers. It is important to note that local regulations may impose restrictions on bulk SMS transmission or may prohibit the delivery of messages containing redirect links, such as the “Track My Ride” feature. We wish to emphasize that these constraints are not within our control, as they are determined by the policies or filters implemented by your SMS provider or the recipients’ providers. Consequently, we cannot be held responsible for any messages that cannot be delivered due to these external factors. To ensure the smooth operation of the Track My Ride feature and the ability to send bulk messages, we recommend contacting your SMS provider for clarification on their policies.