1. Evidence Collector: This is a single-select dropdown field that retrieves the list of users. It allows you to select only one value at a time from the dropdown.
  2. Set Evidence Collector: This button allows you to assign the selected user as the evidence collector for all selected evidence requests in the grid.
  3. Select Round 1 Start: This is a date picker that allows users to input/select the start date for Round 1 of evidence collection.
  4. Select Round 1 End: This is a date picker that allows users to input/select the end date for Round 1 of evidence collection.
  5. Select Round 2 Start: This is a date picker that allows users to input/select the start date for Round 2 of evidence collection.
  6. Select Round 2 End: This is a date picker that allows users to input/select the end date for Round 2 of evidence collection.
  7. Set Entered Dates: This button allows users to set the entered dates for the respective rounds in the grid. (Evidence request must be selected for the dates to be set).
  8. Select All: This button allows users to select all evidence requests.
  9. Deselect All: This button allows users to deselect all evidence requests.
  10. Inline Edit: This button allows users to edit inside the Evidence grid. Here, it specifically allows users to manually assign the Collector, set the dates for the testing rounds, and select/deselect the Select checkbox.
    • To edit inline, select the evidence request that you want to edit from the grid and click on the Inline Edit button.
    • Click on either the Save button to save your changes or the Cancel button to cancel them.
  11. Export to Excel: This button allows users to export selected columns from the grid to Excel.
  12. Excel Template: This button allows users to generate an Excel template of the grid.
  13. Import from Excel: This button allows users to import data (inside columns) from an Excel sheet into the grid.


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