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New Visibility option for Languages: Unlisted

May 27th, 2020

Last week, we received a great suggestion from one of our clients.
She requested the ability for a manual language to be there but still still hidden/unlisted. This would enable them to add a Language to their manual and work on it, but NOT have the new Language appear in the Language Selector of their live manual yet.

That made enormous sense. In fact, why did we not add this years ago?
So we figured, let’s implement this immediately. And here it is today!

Thanks for the suggestion, Fiona!

New Visibility option for manual versions: “Published, but Unlisted”

April 22nd, 2020

A while ago, we received an interesting feature request from one of our loyal clients Sharon. For manual versions, she suggested a “Test Mode” option, a visibility selection halfway between Published = YES and Published = NO.

In Test Mode, the version of the manual would be completely public and live, BUT hidden from the version dropdown in the top bar of live manual. This way, a new version of a manual can be previewed by people in your company (by sending them a direct link to the new version), without your users finding it. And without your online manual “defaulting” to showing that latest version.

We figured this was an excellent idea and we have implemented this now.
To stick with Youtube terminology, we called the new status “Published, but Unlisted”.

You can find and select in your Version Manager screen now: