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Passing Access Keys to the manual “hub page”

January 16th, 2017

As of today, we made it possible to pass Access Keys to your manual hub page.

This has two effects:

  1. The list of manuals on your hub page will be filtered down to only the manuals that this specific key provides access to.
  2. The Access Key is automatically passed to the manuals which clicking one of the manual “tiles on the hub page.

Free trial now allows Reader users

January 13th, 2017

We have now opened up the creation of Reader users to the free 30-day trial. This way trial users can fully evaluate the Private manual feature.

New: Publish “Private Manuals” on your own domain

December 10th, 2014

Until now, our integration system for publishing manuals on your own domain was only working for Public Manuals.

However, as of today, it is now also possible to integrate Private Manuals on your own domain, using password protection to block public access. Currently, this is available for PHP/Apache only.

If you’re interested, please contact us here.

New: Private manuals with password-protection

May 15th, 2013

Manula is a generic tool for creating online manuals, help files, handbooks, etc.. of any kind.
However, being software developers ourselves, we initially created the Manula application with commercial product manuals in mind, either for software or for physical products.

Public access or restricted access?

loginIn general, if you’re making a manual for a commercial product, you want your manual to be publicly accessible for all users of your product. So that is what the first version of Manula did: make your manual publicly accessible online. That is, accessible for anyone on the internet.

But for many types of manuals, that is not desirable. For instance, if you’re using Manula to create an employee handbook, you probably want this handbook accessible for your employees only. The same holds for all kinds of policy and procedure manuals. You don’t want these readable by anyone online. You want to provide restricted access to those manuals, that is, only to the people who need to see them.

After we heard about the need for “restricted access” from several of our customers and trial users, we got to work and introduced “Private Manuals”.

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