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New search boxes in Variables screen

April 8th, 2020

Some Manula users are making serious use of the powerful Variables system. And therefore have huge lists of variable in their Variables screen. Which can make find the variable you need quite annoying.

So today, we introduced a search box, on all 3 tabs of the Variable. Just type in the search box and it will instantly filter down the list, as you type.

New variable: {TOPIC-TITLE}

April 18th, 2019

A quick addition, based on a request from one of our users (thanks Charles!):

A new system variable called {TOPIC-TITLE} is now available, holding the title of the current topic.

Super useful if you want to include the title of your topic somewhere in your topic’s content, without duplicating the actual title text.

New: automatically include a topic’s Last Modified date

October 29th, 2018

For some types of manuals, it is important to list the topic’s last modified date under each topic. For instance, one Manula user requested this feature for their ISO27001 compliance.

With today’s changes, we have give you two ways to do this:

  • We have introduced a new System Variable called {TOPIC-LAST-MODIFIED}. You can use that to manually include the date into your topics, only where needed.
  • We have introduced a new setting in the Manual Settings screen, under Customization, called “Include last modified date below each topic“. This will automatically include the date under each topic, in both the live manual and generated PDF, nicely right aligned, in light grey italics.

Fix: variable values containing quotes

June 15th, 2016

Quick fix: variable values that contained quotes did not save correctly.
Now they do 🙂

New: System variables

July 8th, 2014

An update to our Variables system today. Next to the Variables you can define your own, you can now also insert several System Variables. These System Variables offer access to system values like: The Company, Manual or Version Names, the Current Year or the configured Top Bar and Sidebar Logos.

You can find the System Variables in the regular Variables screen, under the Insert tab:

system variables