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Live manuals now include lang=”xx” attribute

March 2nd, 2021

Tiny tweak to the live manuals, for SEO purposes: The HTML tag of live manuals now include the lang=”xx” attribute, indicating the language of that manual.

SEO: Topic meta keywords and description

February 9th, 2016

This one is for the SEO nerds among us. Especially interesting if you’re running your Manula manuals on your own domain. As of today, all live manual topics now automatically include meta keywords and a meta description in their head tags.

The meta keywords are set to your topic’s keywords (at the bottom left of your topic editor).
The meta description is set to the first 160 characters of your topic’s content.


New option: block search engines from indexing your manual

December 17th, 2015

In the Manual Settings screen, under the Visibility Settings, there is now a new setting “Block search engine indexing”.


When checked, all pages of your live manual will have the following extra meta tag:

This will prevent most search engine spiders from indexing the page.