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New Visibility option for Languages: Unlisted

May 27th, 2020

Last week, we received a great suggestion from one of our clients.
She requested the ability for a manual language to be there but still still hidden/unlisted. This would enable them to add a Language to their manual and work on it, but NOT have the new Language appear in the Language Selector of their live manual yet.

That made enormous sense. In fact, why did we not add this years ago?
So we figured, let’s implement this immediately. And here it is today!

Thanks for the suggestion, Fiona!

Fix: Current topic got lost when switching languages

March 18th, 2016

languages-menuQuick fix for an annoying user interface issue:
In the topic editor, when switching to a different language using the Language Selector menu, the current topic selection got lost, returning you to the Overview page.
Now, it nicely returns you to the topic you were working on 🙂

New: better UI for adding versions and langages

June 2nd, 2014

In the Manual Setting screen, the tabs for adding Languages and Versions were cumbersome and inconsistent, that is, using a different UI for a similar task. So we fixed it.

Adding Languages

The Languages tab now allows the adding of multiple languages in one go, without closing the screen.
Select a new language from the drop-down at the bottom, then click Add to add it to the list. Repeat for more languages. Finally, use Save Changes to close the screen and apply all added languages.


Adding versions

Same here, now allows adding multiple versions in one go.
Click the Add button to make a new version row appear, then fill in the fields. Repeat to add more versions and click the Save Changes button to save your additions.


Three new Language choices

May 20th, 2014

Added three languages to the manual language choices:
Chinese (Traditional), Chinese (Simplified) and Japanese.