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logo-150Hi there!
This is Alwin, founder of Proton 27 and one of the guys behind Manula.

We have been working on this for 10 months,
but finally the big day is here: Manula is live!

So what is Manula?
The short explanation: Manula is a web-application for creating, publishing and tracking online manuals.

What is Manula? – the slightly longer explanation

Creating, publishing and tracking… let me go over these three in more details:

Creating online manuals

Manula’s manual editor is all about making it as easy as possible to create and maintain your manual topics. Use simple Textile mark-down for formatting (e.g. use *bold* for bold, etc…).

Upload and include images using the built-in Image Manager. Safe time when maintaining multiple manuals or manual versions by using the Topic Sharing and Variables features.


Publishing your manuals online

Manuals created with Manula are online immediately, hosted on Manula servers. Ready to be linked to from your website, your software, your mobile app, etc… All changes can be saved as a draft, then when ready, published to the live manual with just one button click.

Your online manuals always look great on any device, as they automatically adapt to any screen size, desktop, table or phone and even automatically include a downloadable PDF version.

Your users/readers can use the integrated search box to find the topics they need, based on your topic titles, text and keywords.


Tracking manual stats and feedback

At Manula, we strongly believe that an online help file should be an ever evolving piece of documentation. Always being adapted based on user questions and feedback and of course, to changes in your product itself.

That is why Manula comes with built-in tools for tracking topic hits, user ratings (“Was this useful? Yes/No”), reader feedback and search keyword statistics.

All this information is clearly presented, so that you instantly can spot the topics that need your attention, either because they get lots of view, bad ratings, or because people can’t seem to find em through the search feature.

