The intent of this indicator is to eliminate gender-based wage discrimination, therefore the variance evaluated is absolute. The metric is not intended to result in, for example, non-conforming genders being paid substantially more than cisgender men, but rather to achieve parity among genders. For specifics on calculating the variance, see the Calculations section for this indicator in the handbook.


The following salaries can be excluded from calculations:

  • singular positions such as Chief Executive Officer, Chief Operations Officer, Executive Director, etc;
  • pay classes in which all employees have the same gender identity;
  • pay classes with 4 or fewer people.

While these salaries are eligible for exclusion, organizations are not required to exclude them and can choose to include them within their calculations.


Organizations with offices in multiple locations that have high variance in cost of living may choose to calculate gender pay equity either by all the locations combined or by each individual office location. If an organization chooses to calculate by office location, the achievement level is determined by the office location that has the highest absolute variance. See Calculations for an example of the outcomes stemming from these different calculation paths.


For purposes of Just, a pay class (also seen as pay scale class) is a pay category defined by the organization, based on characteristics such as job function, seniority, and/or responsibility. A class may have an associated range of salary or benefits, but the class is not determined solely by pay. For the purpose of this Indicator, pay class may be determined by title (manager, director, executive) or other work classifications relevant to the organization.


While organizations are encouraged to factor in all forms of compensation, such as a flexible work schedule, vacation days, transportation stipends, performance awards, bonuses, and stock options when evaluating the equity of compensation among genders, for the purpose of this metric, organizations are asked to report on (at a minimum) remuneration in the form of base salary.


Indicator metrics apply to all of the following groups: