An architecture firm has offices in New York, NY, Washington, DC, and Atlanta, GA.

  • The maximum gender equity pay scale percentage variance in the New York office is 7.5%.
  • The maximum gender equity pay scale percentage variance for employees in the Washington office is 6.8%.
  • The maximum gender equity pay scale percentage variance for employees in the Atlanta office is 4.5%.
  • The maximum gender equity pay scale percentage variance for all employees across the three offices is 11%.

Single Office Basis:

  • The firm uses the individual office with the greatest gender equity pay scale percentage variance, in this case, New York with 7.5%. Taking this approach, the firm would achieve Level 3.

All Offices Basis:

  • The gender equity pay scale percentage variance across all offices is 11%. Taking this approach, the firm would achieve Level 1.


Average (mean) base salary for employees who identify as cisgender male = A
Average (mean) base salary for employees who identify as cisgender female, transgender male or female, and non-binary = B

Where A is greater than B:

Variance = (A-B)/A x 100

Where B is greater than A

Variance = (A-B)/B x 100

If an organization does not have established pay classes, they may also use the Gender Pay Gap Calculator from Dezeen: