If the government of a locale fulfills any of the requirements for an indicator level, those government benefits may be included in the percentage of the organization’s coverage. In areas where the government provides universal health coverage, organizations are eligible to achieve up to Level 3 for this Indicator even if the governmental coverage does not align with ILFI’s definition of comprehensive health care (i.e., inclusive of dental and vision). Achievement of Level 4 requires the provision of holistic health care benefits, either from the government or supplemented by the employer.


For the purposes of Just, to be considered comprehensive, a health care plan must include medical, dental, and vision benefits.

To be considered holistic, a health care plan must include medical, dental, and vision benefits, as well as some alternative or non-western treatment options such as chiropractic, naturopathic, traditional Chinese medicine, homeopathy, and herbal medicine.

Health care offered to employees should not compromise other benefits or pay. Employers are encouraged to provide optional health care coverage to family members.


Organizations may pay different percentages for the three specified types of healthcare coverage. For additional information on calculating the percentage, see the Calculations section for this Indicator.


Indicator metrics apply to all employees (see definition in the General Clarifications)