To find the value X, we ask you to use the “White Alone, Not Hispanic or Latino” percentage for the applicable city/state/region/country (this number can be found in the 8th row under the “Race and Hispanic Origin” section on the Census Quick Facts page here). Subtract this from 100% to find the value X.


A management consulting firm has offices located in ten states in the United States. In the United States, racial and ethnic minorities comprise 40% of the population.

For Level 4 recognition:

  • Workforce Diversity
    • the consulting firm would need to document that racial and ethnic minorities comprise at least 40% of the overall workforce (1 × 40%).
  • Senior Leadership Diversity
    • the consulting firm would need to document that racial and ethnic minorities comprise at least 32% of the senior leadership team (.8 × 40%).

An architecture firm has three offices in the United States and three in Canada. Racial and ethnic minorities comprise 40% of the population in the US and 22% of the population in Canada. US-based employees comprise 20% of the workforce, and 80% of employees are based in Canada.

The weighted racial and ethnic population percentage (i.e., the weighted X) is calculated as follows: (40%*0.2) + (22%*0.8) = 25.6%.

For Level 4 recognition:

  • Workforce Diversity
    • The firm would need to document that racial and ethnic minorities comprise at least 25.6% of the overall workforce when weighting employment across the US and Canada (20% and 80%, respectively).
  • Leadership Diversity
    • The firm would need to document that racial and ethnic minorities comprise at least 20.5% of the overall workforce when weighting employment across the US and Canada (20% and 80%, respectively).