The Just program calls on organizations to provide comprehensive paid family and medical leave for their employees, so employees can fulfill parental responsibilities, care for loved ones, and care for themselves.



  1. Organization has written and posted public policy on family and medical leave.


  1. Organization has written and posted public policy on family and medical leave.
  2. Organization provides a minimum of 6 weeks of paid leave for any employee welcoming a child through birth, adoption, or foster placement or dealing with a serious health condition of their own or a loved one.
  3. Flexible work arrangements: organization allows positive (employee requested) scheduled work flextime (non-standard hours).


  1. Organization has written and posted public policy on family and medical leave.
  2. Organization provides a minimum of 12 weeks of paid leave for any employee welcoming a child through birth, adoption, or foster placement or dealing with a serious health condition of their own or a loved one.
  3. Flexible work arrangements: Organization allows positive (employee requested) scheduled work flextime (non-standard hours), allows for negotiated compressed workweek.


  1. Organization has written and posted public policy on family and medical leave.
  2. Organization provides a minimum of 24 weeks of full paid leave for any employee welcoming a child through birth, adoption, or foster placement or dealing with a serious health condition of their own or a loved one. Organization has implemented a Parental Leave Transition Program that addresses all three phases (1. preparing for leave, 2. during leave, and 3. returning from leave).
  3. Flexible work arrangements: Organization allows positive (employee requested) scheduled work flextime (non-standard hours), allows for negotiated compressed workweek as well as negotiated telecommuting (working at home).