Initially setting date time fields

= new Date() Set the current date time (can also be done just by using SharePoint default column value available in column’s configuration)
= new Date(2014, 5, 3) Set the date to 3rd June 2014. Note: The month (2nd) parameter is 0-based, so January is 0 and December is 11.
= new Date().addDays(10) Set the date to current date (and time) plus 10 days. Use addDays(-n) to subtract n days.
= new Date().addHours(4) Set the date to 2 hours in future.
= new Date().addYears(-1) Set the date a year ago from today.

Calculating date time fields

=[[SomeOtherDate]] Get the date time field of another date time field. Note: Use value expression when setting fields using calculated expressions.
=[[SomeOtherDate]].addDays(10) Get the date time field of the SomeOtherDate column plus 10 days.
{ if ([[ContractType]]==“Monthly”) return [[StartDate]].addMonths(1); else if ([[ContractType]]==“Quarterly”) return [[StartDate]].addMonths(3); else if ([[ContractType]]==“Semi-Annually”) return [[StartDate]].addMonths(6); else if ([[ContractType]]==“Annually”) return [[StartDate]].addYears(1); else return null;
Get a date depending on value of field ContractType and StartDate. When ContractType is “Monthly” the date is calculated as StartDate plus 1 month, when ContractType is “Quarterly” the date is calculated as StartDate plus 3 months, etc. If ContractType does not match any of the checked values no date is returned.As an example this function expression could be used as a calculated expression to set the RenewalDate field of a contract item.

Retrieving information for current user

Retrieving information for the user selected for a field

[[SomeUserField.Email]] Gets the email address of the user selected for the field SomeUserField.
[[SomeUserField.LoginName]] Gets the login name of the user selected for the field SomeUserField.


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