In this section of the Create New Incident form, users can document equipment failures related to the incident.

  1. Device Type: A radio button for specifying the type of device associated with the equipment failure.
    • If Other is selected, the following field becomes visible:
      • Other Type of Device: A text field for specifying the type of device.
  2. Equipment That Failed: A text field for specifying the name or description of the failed equipment.
  3. Other Equipment Affected by Failure: A rich text field for describing any additional equipment impacted by the failure.
  4. Manufacturer: A text field for entering the manufacturer of the failed equipment.
  5. Model/Part No.: A text field for entering the model or part number of the failed equipment.
  6. Serial No: A text field for entering the serial number of the failed equipment.
  7. Bar Code No.: A text field for entering the barcode number of the failed equipment.
  8. Describe the Equipment Failure: A rich text field for providing a detailed description of the equipment failure.
  9. Relevant Documents (Optional): A file attachment field for uploading documents related to the equipment failure.


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