This code example will log the preset data for a channel selected in the Preset Documentation view.

-- Example code of how to access and use MLA preset data
-- Copyright Andrew Voller Lighting Design Limited, 2019
-- TriggerType=Menu
-- DisplayOutputWindow=true

-- Get a preset object for the currently selected channel in the Preset Doc view.
function GetPresetObjectForSelectedChannel()
	channelNumber = 0
	presetType = "none"
	presetID = 0

	-- Get currently selected channel.
	channelInfo = PresetInfo:GetSelectedChannel()
	if channelInfo ~= nil then
		channelNumber = channelInfo.ChannelNumber
		presetType = channelInfo.PresetType
		presetID = channelInfo.PresetID

	-- Get Preset data object
	presetObject = PresetData:GetPresetObject(channelNumber, presetType, presetID) -- channel, preset type, preset id
	return presetObject

-- Return the parameter name for a given parameter index. 1 based.
function GetPresetNameByIndex(parameterIndex, presetObject)
	parameterName = ""	

	if parameterIndex >= 1 and parameterIndex <= presetObject.NumParameters then
		-- Create a key to access table entry
		tableKey = "ParameterName"..tostring(parameterIndex)
		parameterName = presetObject[tableKey]
	return parameterName

-- Return value for named parameter
function GetParameterValueByName(parameterName, presetObject)
	parameterNumber = 0
	parameterValue = ""	

	for iter=1, presetObject.NumParameters do
		iterName = GetPresetNameByIndex(iter, presetObject)
		if iterName == parameterName then
			parameterNumber = iter

	if parameterNumber > 0 then
		tableKey = "ParameterValue"..tostring(parameterNumber)
		parameterValue = presetObject[tableKey]

	return parameterValue

-- Main
-- Get a preset object for the currently selected channel in the Preset Doc view.
presetObject = GetPresetObjectForSelectedChannel()
if presetObject ~= nil then
	io.write("Channel: ", presetObject.Channel, "\n")
	io.write("Preset Type: ", presetObject.PresetType, " PresetID: ", presetObject.PresetID, "\n")
	io.write("Preset Name: ", presetObject.PresetName, "\n")
	io.write("Number of Parameters: ", presetObject.NumParameters, "\n")

	-- Example to display data for the first parameter.
	--io.write("Parameter 1 Name: ", presetObject.ParameterName1, "\n")
	--io.write("Parameter 1 Value: ", presetObject.ParameterValue1, "\n")
	--io.write("Parameter 1 Effect: ", presetObject.ParameterEffect1, "\n")
	--io.write("Parameter 1 Nested: ", presetObject.ParameterNested1, "\n")

	-- Example to list parameter names.
	for iter=1, presetObject.NumParameters do
		parameterName = GetPresetNameByIndex(iter, presetObject)
		parameterValue = GetParameterValueByName(parameterName, presetObject)
		io.write("Parameter ", iter, ": ", parameterName, ": ", parameterValue, "\n")

	-- Example to display Pan & Tilt values.
	--panValue = GetParameterValueByName("PAN", presetObject)
	--io.write("Pan: ", panValue, "\n")
	--tiltValue = GetParameterValueByName("TILT", presetObject)
	--io.write("Tilt: ", tiltValue, "\n")


Note that there are several comment out -- sections that show different ways of using the data. It is best test this example out in the Moving Light Assistant built in script editor. Ensure that the Open Output Window checkbox is checked.

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