Once you have the two XML files, one for the sequence, and one for the timecode, you should place them onto a USB stick.
The sequence XML file should be placed in the ‘export’ folder within the ‘grandMA3’ folder.
The timecode XML file should be placed in the ‘grandMA3’ folder.

Once you have inserted the USB stick into the console (or onPC), you need to select the USB disk as the current drive to use. First you need to find the drive number for your USB stick. On the command line of the console, type…

List Drive

In the consoles Command Line History window the drives with their corresponding drive numbers will be listed. Make a note of the drive number for your USB stick.

To change the current drive to your USB stick, type…

Drive X
Where X is the drive number of your USB stick.

  • Now to import your sequence file, on the command line type…

Import Sequence X "NAME_OF_FILE.xml"
Where …
X is the sequence pool number you wish to import into (use an unused/empty sequence).
NAME_OF_FILE is the file name you saved the sequence XML as. Note to include the .xml suffix.

You should now assign the imported sequence onto Executor 201 in Page 1. You can change which executor/page the sequence is assigned to once the timecode XML file has been imported.

  • Now to import your timecode file, on the command line type…

Import Timecode X "NAME_OF_FILE.xml"
Where …
X is the timecode pool number you wish to import into (use an unused/empty timecode).
NAME_OF_FILE is the file name you saved the timecode XML as. Note to include the .xml suffix.

You should now changed the current drive back to the internal drive. You will have seen the drive number listed for the Internal drive listed earlier. It is typically drive number 1.

Drive 1

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