If/then plans allow you to make a specific plan for the future. You can use them whenever you need them. They are of the format, IF this specific thing happens, THEN I will do this.

To add an if/then plan:

  1. Navigate to the left side menu and select ‘If/then’
  2. Select the ‘+’ at the top right of the screen
  3. Fill in text for IF and THEN
  4. Select the checkmark icon at the top right to save

To edit an if/then plan:

  1. Select a plan you want to edit
  2. Make edits to the IF and/or THEN portion of the plan
  3. Select the checkmark icon at the top right to save

To delete an If/then plan

  1. Swipe left on a plan you want to delete
  2. Select delete

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Don’t hesitate to contact us here.

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