New functionality

  • On a templatebased product a variable of type from the media archive now can open the browsable modal window in addition to the dropdown-list. Applies only to responsive GUI
  • Elements in Media Archive can now be limited by dates (from and to). This does not apply to mediaAdmins, systemAdmins or owners of the category/folder. The limitation is NOT enforced when accessing elements as a variable from a templatebased product. Applies only to responsive GUI
  • Templatebased products can now be published to the Media Archive. Applies only to responsive GUI
  • Zorse established as possible addon-module. Lets Impleo Web communicate with Zorse as system for digital signage. Applies only to responsive GUI
  • Option to “sync” items in a category/folder in Media Archive to a group/screen in a digital signage-system. Elements that are added to or deleted from a category/folder is added to/deleted from the digital signage-system. Applies only to responsive GUI
  • Screen-administrator as a right has been introduced on the user-level for letting users control digital signage. Applies only to responsive GUI
  • Option added on configuration for letting the order reference specified to be the customernumber registered on the order. Applies only to responsive GUI

*Changes *

  • The order history under “My profile” has been optimized for unnecessary loading of already known values (caching). Applies only to responsive GUI
  • The generation of previews from templates has been optimized for unnecessary loading of already known values (caching)
  • Parts of the skin-contents are now being cached to improve speed. Applies only to responsive GUI


  • Changing the page-size in product-listings for paging did not work. Fixed
  • Timeouts could occurs when generating orderreports for a company in administration GUI when the company has an high amount of orders. Now it is possible to select a year as a filter for the report that limits the problem.


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