Release Notes

Tips Included in Tender Totals
With the latest release, we’ve enhanced the reported credit card amounts so that they now include tips amounts. On the Daily Summary and Tender Type reports, the displayed amount will be the total amount charged (ticket amount plus tip amount) to the credit card or gift. When you click the amount, a popup will appear which will provide a breakdown so that you can see the the total ticket amount, the total tip amount, and the total amount charged. When you export these reports, you will see the total amount.
Requires Advanced Reporting subscription.

Position Included in Today’s Schedule Labor Tile
We’ve enhanced the Today’s Schedule labor tile on the Dashboard so that it includes the position assigned to an employee.
Requires Advanced Reporting subscription.

Additional Executive View Enhancements
Console continues to make advancements with the Executive View module for a fall release. We’ve enhanced the Executive View Comps report in two ways. When you are viewing the Comps Report by comp, you can select the comp and see a breakdown of the comp by store. Additionally, you can change the way you view the Comps report to ‘by store.’ The ‘By Store’ view enables you to analyze the comps applied against stores.

Another enhancement to the Executive View module is a Labor Summary report. In this report, you can compare the labor hours, labor costs, labor cost percentage of your stores on one report.

Requires Advanced Reporting subscription. This report is coming soon!


  • Declared tips not showing in Console (select merchants)
  • Item inventory issue (select merchant)
  • New items add to inventory (select merchant)
  • Update Quality assurance (select merchant)