Release Notes

Add a note to availability requests
Employees can now include notes with availability requests sent from the employee portal. Whether they need time off to study for finals or they are headed on vacation, whatever it is, employees can share the information with you. Managers can easily view notes while reviewing availability requests.
Requires subscription to Console Employee Management or Console Core.

Flag for edited time clock
Console’s Time Card and Time Card report now indicate if clock in or clock out times are modified at the point of sale or in the back office.
Requires subscription to Console Employee Management or Console Core. Available with the NCR Silver and NCR Silver Pro integration.

Fiscal periods
Console now supports the following fiscal periods: 4-4-4; 4-5-4; 5-4-4; and 4-4-5.
Requires access to Console Corporate portal. Contact your account manager to get setup.

Initial Inventory Costs
You can now capture the cost of initial inventory items in Console. Initial inventory costs are reflected in on-hand costs and the COGS calculation used for recipes and reporting. Not to fret, initial inventory unit cost does not skew data in other areas like your spending report.
Requires subscription to Console Inventory Management or Console Core.

Weights in PMIX
The weight of items sold by weight at the point of sale is now included in the item level Product Mix report. The PMIX will display a “Weight” column if any items in the selected category include weighted item sales. The “Weight” column is hidden if there aren’t any weighted item sales for the selected period.
Requires subscription to Console Inventory Management or Console Core. Available with the NCR Silver and NCR Silver Pro integration.