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New: Auto-number your topics

May 10th, 2017

Another new feature today: Automatic numbering of your topics.
This was requested by user Tiana and I must admit: I was a bit hesitant about this one initially. I mean, Manula is all about interactive online manuals, so who needs numbered topics?

But then she explained:

“Well, we do a lot of phone support, and we often need to refer people to a manual topic for further info. And then it really helps if we can just say: look at chapter 3.3.2.”

Which makes a lot of sense 🙂 So we implemented it.
And now it’s live, I must say it is pretty cool. In fact, I suspect many users will switch this on.

Thank you Tiana for suggesting this!

The Auto-Number setting can be found in the Manual Settings screen, on the Customization tab:


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