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Now live in your Manual Editor, the new Integrity Checker tool.
This tool automatically checks all topics of your manuals for:

  • Broken topic links: links to topics that do not exist (anymore).
  • Missing images: references to images that do not exist in the Image Library (anymore).
  • Undefined variables: inserted variable that are either not defined or do not have a value.

You can find the Integrity Checker on the Overview page of your Manual Editor, under the “Integrity Checker” tab:


Integrity Checker results

Click the “Start Integrity Checker” tool to run the check on all your topics. This may take a few seconds, up to say 30 seconds for very large manuals.

Here’s example of the Checker’s output:


Automatic Integrity Issues listed on the Topic Editor page

The Integrity Checker is now also integrated on your Topic Editor page and automatically ran each time your open or save a topic. Any integrity issues found will automatically appear in a red warning bar at the top, like so:

