The Logging Settings screen displays tag read options as follows:
READER FIRMWARE REVISION – The version of the reader’s internal Trident firmware.
DATA MESSAGE FORMAT – Message format used to communicate with the reader. Most timing software will use the “Standard” data message format. Settings are: S=Standard data message format, R=Reduced data message format, C=Chinese data message format.
TAG READ BEEP EVENT – Setting to determine whether the reader will emit a beep when a tag is read. Settings are: A=Beep on all tags, F=Beep on tag first seen, N=No beep.
SERIAL COMMS SPEED – This is the 900MHz Radio serial output baud rate. If you are using a 900MHz USB Radio on your timing computer, configure the timing software to communicate with the appropriate serial port at this speed.
RELAY ENABLED – Displays whether the tag read relay output has been enabled, N=No, Y=Yes . Can be used for events such as starting a video or initiating a camera shutter.
READER DATE & TIME – The reader’s current date & time. Check this matches your timing computer’s date & time. If they do not match you can synchronise via the TinyScore software which comes with your reader.
TAG READ COUNTER – A count of all tags read since the reader was restarted.