There are several ways to sort and filter layers and maps in the Skeena Maps Portal:

Sorting search results

Search results can be sorted by upload date (‘Most Recent’ or ‘Least Recent’), popularity, or in alphabetical order.


Filters can be applied to both layer and map searches to narrow results with the exception of Layer Type, which applies only to layers. The principal filter categories for a layer search are:

  • Text: Enter text to filter search results by specific words found in the layer or map title or description.
  • Keywords: Keywords, similar to the tags used in the Skeena Salmon Data Centre, are attached to layers and maps to group similar layers (e.g. boundaries).
  • Layer Type: Choose from Raster Layers, Vector Layers, or Remote Layers (online/WMS cascade layers).
  • Categories: Layers and maps in the Skeena Maps Portal are organized into categories similar to those used in the Skeena Salmon Data Centre. To include or exclude a category in your search, click the category word.
  • Date: Allows filtering by the date of layer upload or map creation. This does not refer to the data timeframe.
  • Regions: Layers and maps are categorized into a series of geographic regions. Entering text into the region search box returns region options.

Screenshots showing examples of the described filters are includes below:

Text Filter

Keyword Filter

Layer Type Filter

Category Filter

Layer/Map Creation Date Filter

Region Filter


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