To add a dataset to a collection, you need to be a member of the collection. If you would like to have a new collection created or become a member of an existing collection, please send us an email at
To add a dataset to a collection, click on the Categories and Collections tab from the dataset page.
Browse for relevant categories or collections, select, and click “Add to category or collection”.
Find more information on Categories and Collections here.
Some datasets will fit into multiple collections, but you will need to be a member of the collection to add the dataset to the collection.
This image displays a dataset that is added to the Climate Change and Population categories, as well as the Upper Bulkley Watershed collection
Collections include:
Report type-based
- Methodology
For example:
- Lake Babine Fisheries Collection
- Skeena Fisheries Commission Collection
For example:
- Coastal Collection
- Lakelse Watershed Collection
- Lake Kathlyn Collection
- Morice Watershed Collection
- Round Lake Collection
- Seymour Lake Collection
- Toboggan Creek Collection
- Tyhee Lake Watershed Collection
- Upper Bulkley Watershed Collection
For example:
- ESI SSAF Fish and Fish Habitat Collection
- ESI SSAF Wetlands Collection
- ESI SSAF Grizzly Bear Collection
- Skeena Watershed Initiative Collection
- Reconnaissance Inventory Collection
To remove a dataset from a category or collection, place your cursor over the box indicating the category or collection your dataset belongs to, and select remove.
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