Skeena Salmon Data Centre account holders can edit any dataset they have created, or any dataset in an organization for which they are an editor or administrator.

To edit an existing dataset:

  1. Go to the dataset’s page. You can find it by entering the title in the search box on any page.
  2. Select the “Manage” button, which you should see above the dataset title.
  3. From the “Edit metadata” screen, you can edit any of the fields (Title, Description, etc), change the visibility (Private/Public), and add or delete tags or custom fields. For details of these fields, see Describe the Dataset.

4. When you have finished, select the “Update dataset” button to save your changes.

To add, delete, edit and reorder resources:

  1. Click on the “Resources” tab to the right of the dataset title.
  2. Select an existing resource to edit or delete it, or select “Add new resource” to add an additional resource.
  3. You can edit the information about the resource or change the linked or uploaded file. For details, see Adding Resources.
  4. When you have finished editing, select the button marked “Update resource” (or “Add”, for a new resource) to save your changes. Alternatively, to delete the resource, select the “Delete resource” button.
  5. You can also reorder the resources by clicking on the Reorder resources button and dragging and dropping the resources into a different order.
  6. Select “Update Dataset” button at the bottom of the page to save your changes.


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