Any user can create a map, but you must have an account and be logged in to save the map. Please send us an email at to request a new account.

Saving a new map

Once you are logged into an account, you can save your map by clicking the blue menu icon on the top right-hand-side of the map tool and choose Save As for a new map. Enter a title and description for the map and click Save As.

Saving an existing map

On the Skeena Maps Portal, you can only make changes to a map that you authored and saved under your account. It is also possible to create a map by copying an existing map and making modifications. This can be useful when making a complex map that is similar to one that has been created. To make a copy of an existing map, click on the blue menu icon on the top right-hand-side of the map tool and click ‘Save As’. In the window that appears, there will be an option to save the map with a different name and description. Once you have saved the map, modifications can be made.


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