The Users page allows you to see all users that have access to your pyramid, any invitations that have been sent to people that you would like to join your pyramid, and any expired invitations.
Existing Users
This section displays the names and user groups of all the people that have access to your pyramid.
*Finding a User As your pyramid grows the number of users you mange gets quite large. Rather than scrolling the list use the Search box to help you find the name or company that you are looking for.
!Make Inactive and Deleting Users In general, if you have a user that should no longer have access to your pyramid you should set their user group to “No Access” and change their status to Inactive. Changing the status to Inactive removes their name as an option from selection fields. However, if you’ve manually created a user by mistake you may need to use the Delete User function.
Open and Expired Invitations
This section displays all of the open and expired invitations that have been sent.
The row action menu in each of these sections allows you to Resend*or *Delete the invitation.
*Invitation Problems If you click on the triangle at the left of the row, you can find a URL of the invitation. This is sometimes helpful if a user has a problem in receiving an invitation. If this happens, copy the URL and send them an email with this information.
*Resend Open Invitations Roundhouse also has an option to automatically resend invitations until they expire. The choices are: Every Day, Every 2 Days, Every 3 Days, and Never.
Next: Adding Users →
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