The SkyView Page is the user’s personal area within RoundhousePM. It offers the user a view of all items in which they are involved, across all pyramids to which they have access:

Roundhouse Metaverse

Why is the SkyView Page useful? This is where RoundhousePM outshines all other project management programs. Consider the following scenarios:

  • Architects with joint ventures – Each JV firm has their own pyramid in the Roundhouse metaverse. From the user’s SkyView page they see all the joint venture projects’ open items for all the firms within the joint venture.
  • Clients working with multiple architects – From their SkyView page, clients can see all open items for all their projects, regardless of which architecture firm is doing the work.
  • Contractors who work with multiple architects – From their SkyView page contractors can see all open items for all their project,s regardless of which firm is the architect.

SkyView page contents

SkyView page

The SkyView page is very similar to the Project Summary page

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