It is very easy to keep other project participants informed with Roundhouse’s Announcements and Notifications.

When creating or editing a record, the user has the option to create an announcement or send an email notification.



To create an Announcement, enter a subject, description, and an expiration date for how long this announcement will be displayed. When you save the record, the announcement will be created and displayed in the Announcements module of the current workspace.



To send an email Notification, you will see the names of all users of the current workspace listed on the left-hand side of the screen. Select the name(s) of the user(s) you want to send the notification, then press the “>” button to move those name(s) to the right-hand side of the screen. (See image above)

If you want to include recipients to the email Notification who are not users of this workspace, you can enter their email address manually.

Select the name of the person sending the notification. The default value here is the name of the current user. If another user is creating a record on behalf of someone else, the user can enter the name of that person instead.

Enter the email subject and a short description.

When the record is saved the email will be sent to all selected users, and the sender will be copied.

Next: Standard Modules →


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