Add A New User:

  1. Click Menu, Maintenance from One Look.
  1. Select Maintain Users.
  1. Click Add User.
  1. Create the User by filling in the desired values then click Submit
User: Login name unique to the application.
User Description: A description that further identifies the user.
Password: The password used to access the application. (Maximum of 30 bytes. Allows for numeric, alpha, alphanumeric, and special characters excluding &, #, \, /. Can’t begin or end with a whitespace character. Passwords are case sensitive.)
User Email: The email address used by the User.
Time Zone: The local time zone.
Mapping Type: HTTP, FTP, UNC
Viewer Type: One Look (browser interface) or RVI Desktop Viewer (RVI.EXE)

Maintain An Existing User:

  1. Click Menu, Maintenance from One Look.
  1. Select Maintain Users.
  1. Double-click the desired user.

The User Maintenance window will display.

The following options are available:
(These options are only used IF the User will NOT be included in a Group. If security is set at the User and Group levels, the User level will take precedence.)

Systems: Select the system(s) that this user will be authorized to use.
Click the check boxes of the systems that this user will be authorized. Click “Submit” to update this record.

IL-Sec: (index level security) Set index level security by system. This is another level of security where you can secure records by index values. The Menu Accessibility option is also available to set access to specific menu options.

Click on the desired system to open Index Level Security.

Click Add to add new index level security.

Select an Index #.

Set the Index # to (O)nly, (I)nclude, (E)xclude those records based on the Value set.

(O)nly Only authorize the values listed. These will be the only values displayed.
(I)nclude Include the values listed.
(E)xclude Exclude the values listed.

In this example, the user would be excluded from seeing records in System C where Index 1 started with 21.

Options: Select the options by system code that this user will have access to use.
Double-click the desired system code. This will display a list of Option codes. Option codes must be setup by system code. This is necessary because users could have different authorized options based on the system they are accessing. Check the option boxes that this user will be authorized to.

Click “Submit” to update these values.

Group Tabs: Select the tab(s) that the user will be locked into.
The purpose of tabs is to setup a level of security over documents in a particular system. Refer to Maintain Document Tab Groups on how to setup the actual group tabs.

Choose the system code for the group tab. By choosing a tab, you are locking in this user to the document types defined in this tab.

Click Submit to update these values.


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