Starting in 2018, ILFI partnered with Toxnot, a technology partner with a focus on product transparency and hazards screening. In September 2023, Toxnot formally became 3E Exchange. 3E Exchange operates a data management platform that aligns with the needs of Declare manufacturers and allows ILFI to better scale the Declare program, while easing the burden of technology management. 

3E Exchange is an integrated software platform to streamline chemical transparency for products. Through 3E Exchange, it’s easy to upload the data you need from an ERP/PLM or excel sheet and pull chemical content information from suppliers using customizable surveys. Use regulatory list data to ensure compliance with regulations and hazard data to optimize your product chemistry. Report out using the product transparency standards, such as Declare and HPD. 3E Exchange increases operational efficiency around chemical transparency efforts, enabling manufactures to find better, safer materials for their products. 3E Exchange also powers the Declare label submission process. Through ILFI Professional Membership, each manufacturer receives access to create, submit, and maintain Declare labels. This access can be seamlessly integrated with the rest of 3E Exchange capabilities if a manufacturer chooses to upgrade.

3E Exchange manages the platform and supports Declare customers’ IT needs; ILFI manages the Declare program, sets the technical standard, and provides customer service and support related to program requirements. 

For 3E Exchange inquiries, contact the 3E Exchange team at

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