The Dialogue is the online forum for requesting precedent-setting clarifications, exceptions, and definitions related to program requirements. Through its responses to those requests, ILFI provides guidance on situations, devised strategies, or innovations that were not contemplated by the rule set articulated in the Handbooks for a given Standard or Program. Anyone can review the posted questions and rulings, but only registered manufacturers that have initiated at least one label submission can submit posts to the Dialogue.

Rulings are made publicly available so that other project teams and interested parties can learn from the posted questions and responses. Identifying information specific to the manufacturer (or any party submitting a request) and its product(s) will be omitted, but all other content included in the inquiry will be posted. Searchable based on content, the activity in the Dialogue not only provides a mechanism for distributing strategies for success, but also yields modifications to future releases of Declare and its program requirements. In this way, the Dialogue captures the ongoing evolution of the Standards and Programs and gives credit to the hundreds, if not thousands, of individuals who contribute to the process.

To ensure that the question is directed through the most appropriate process, manufacturers are advised to read this informative post and consider the questions detailed within before submitting. If a review of those questions suggests that the inquiry doesn’t warrant submission as a Dialogue post, but rather is seeking clarification or additional information, then it should be directed to as a standard technical support question. Technical support staff will direct the question through Dialogue if deemed appropriate.

Posts to the Dialogue are submitted by email to and must contain the following:

  • A subject line that identifies the topic and includes the words “Dialogue Post”;
  • The registered product name (if product has already been submitted to ILFI for review);
  • The program requirement the post pertains to; and
  • A specific question(s) on a single topic with sufficient detail and background to permit evaluation.

Posts related to Declare Program Exceptions and Red List Change Requests utilize specific forms that can be accessed through the ILFI Member Dashboard, on the Declare page.

ILFI will review the submission and reply by email with either a formal determination or request for additional information. After the final determination has been sent to the project team, both the submission and the determination will also be posted to the public Dialogue site.

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