Product & Manufacturing Information
- Product Identifiers
- Final Assembly Location(s)
- Life Expectancy
- Embodied Carbon Data (Optional)
- End of Life Options
The top portion of the label helps consumers confirm they are specifying the product that matches the ingredients list. Life cycle information aligns with the Living Economy Sourcing and Net Positive Waste Imperatives of the Living Building Challenge. Carbon information aligns with the Energy + Carbon Reduction Imperative of the Living Building Challenge.
All Final Assembly Locations associated with a product can be represented on the same label. If four or more locations are provided within a submission, a summary will be provided by ILFI on the label graphic:
- All locations within the same country: “Multiple locations in (name of country)”
- All locations within the same continent: “Multiple locations in (name of continent)”
- Locations in differing continents: “Multiple global locations”
Each location will remain listed on the accompanying entry on the Declare database.
Ingredient Reporting
Ingredients may be reported in one list, or separated by component/part. Ingredients without restriction appear in grey; Red List chemicals appear in dark orange; LBC Watch List Priority for Red List Inclusion chemicals appear in light orange. Corresponding percentage(s) of proprietary ingredients are listed in parentheses. Declare Program Exceptions are also listed under the ingredients when applicable.
When applicable, VOC content for wet -applied products will appear in this portion of the label.
Living Building Challenge Criteria & Compliance Indicators
The final portion of the Declare label evaluates and lists the product’s compliance with the product applicable Imperatives within the Living Building Challenge.
- I-13 Red List (Declaration Status)
- I-10 Interior Performance
- I-14 Responsible Sourcing
If a product is deemed compliant in the relevant Imperative criteria areas in this portion of the label, the label will indicate overall compliance with the Living Building Challenge.
Declare labels are active for 12 months, at which point the license requires renewal.
Labels that have undergone Third Party Verification will receive a corresponding sticker.
Need more help with this?
Don’t hesitate to contact us here.