The LBC Red List is a list of chemicals representing the “worst in class” substances prevalent in the building industry that pose serious risks to human health and the environment. The Red List is organized by chemical class and lists individual chemicals by Chemical Abstract Registry Number (CASRN). Since its inception in 2006, the Red List has been an intuitive tool for communicating the need to stop using chemicals that cause harm.
Chemical classes are added to or retired from the Red List with each new version of the LBC Standard. The chemical classes are described below.
The chemicals included in each class are detailed in the current LBC Red List CASRN Guide (scroll to bottom). Individual chemicals within chemical classes are updated in the CASRN Guide on an annual basis with input from ILFI’s Material Health Technical Advisory Group.
Red List chemicals serve many different functions in many building products. However, the use of these chemicals can cause harm to health and the environment. Hazards include cancer, reproductive toxicity, acute or chronic organ toxicity, endocrine disruption, persistence, ozone depletion, and others.
Safer chemical alternatives, product designs, and building designs are possible: although prevalent, Red List compounds are not necessary in most instances.
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