To support manufacturers that produce and/or import their products into the European Union market, ILFI offers an optional screening service against the EU REACH SVHC Candidate List and the ChemSec SIN List. This screening aligns with Declare’s 100 ppm (.01%) reporting threshold of substances, highlighting substances on these lists if they appear on the Declare label as part of 100ppm ingredient disclosure. Note that these organizations and regulatory bodies may have additional specifications and regulate some substances at different thresholds. Therefore, this screening service is designed to be informative but does not represent regulatory compliance.
If chemicals of concern included on either of those lists do not appear on the Declare label at 100 ppm, the label will read “EU Chemicals of Concern: Does Not Contain”.
If any do appear on the Declare label, the label will read “EU Chemicals of Concern: Contains”. The label will flag the substance(s) in yellow text on the ingredients list and include a superscript ‘*’ or ‘†’ symbol with an accompanying footnote identifying which list is flagged. If these substances appear on either on these lists and on one or more ILFI lists (Watch List Priority Substance or Red List), the ingredient’s text color will reflect the darkest color of its list associations, but will retain any superscripts indicating European chemicals of concern lists. On the Declare database, the ingredients list table will reflect this information through the color of the substance and will indicate on which list(s) that CASRN is found.
The REACH SVHC Candidate List represents substances deemed Substances of Very High Concern (SVHCs) by the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) due to meeting several criteria related to hazard and toxicity, described in REACH Article 57. When ECHA identifies a substance as an SVHC and includes it in the Candidate List, this can trigger certain legal obligations for the importers, producers and suppliers of an article that contains such a substance. ECHA is an official agency of the European Union tasked with implementation of the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH) regulation.
The ChemSec SIN (Substitute It Now) List is a list of hazardous chemicals that are used in a wide variety of articles, products and manufacturing processes around the globe. The SIN abbreviation – Substitute It Now – implies that these chemicals should be removed as soon as possible as they pose a threat to human health and the environment. The SIN List is developed by the non-profit ChemSec in close collaboration with scientists and technical experts, as well as an advisory committee of leading environmental, health, consumer organisations.
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