New functionality
• For templates that contain a variable of type vCard/MeCard the action-dropdownlist now shows an option to download the vCard-file as .vcf for direct import of contactdata. Applies only to responsive GUI

• Font Awesome has been updated to version 4.7. Applies only to responsive GUI
• Markup has been optimized on frontpage to hide more markup/code that is not used until logged in. Applies only to responsive GUI
• Markup has been generally been refreshed to be more WCAG-compliant. Images have alternate text and links have aria-label or a title. Applies only to responsive GUI
• Tooltip-text has been added to the previewthumb for opening the larger preview. Applies only to responsive GUI
• Tooltip-text has been added to the “search for product” in the header. Applies only to responsive GUI

• On templates with variable images retrieved from the media archive the “Change image” (that opens the modal window) did not work correctly when the media category-specification was dynamic defined. Fixed so that it refreshes the modal the same way it does with the dropdownlist. Applies only to responsive GUI


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