New functionality
• Last accessed date will be stored on elements in the media archive. Last accessed is when a user views or downloads an element. This information can/will be used in later releases for statistics. Applies only to responsive GUI

• Ident-field for both custom- og templatebased orderlines have been increased to store unlimited amount of text. Applies only to responsive GUI
• After changing the formatted textfield to inline and auto-resizable the default height is not customizable anymore. It will automatically resize to its content, but default is (was) 200px. Applies only to responsive GUI
• The default height for formatted textfield has been changed to 150px (min-height). Applies to responsive GUI

• If an administrator-user has viewed an element in the media-archive that has a flippage associated to it elements that are selected after this appears to have a flippage defined and the delete flippage-button is visible. Applies only to responsive GUI


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