New Functionality
• When defining IntervalOrderQuantity this now also works in webshop-view. Applies only to responsive GUI
• Added new fields for user-import, “PersonIsCompany” and “Personcustomerno”
• Added new field for template-import, “ReplaceSystemPriceInfo”
• New function in mediacategory for showing the direct url to the mediacategory. Applies only to responsive GUI

• When having a product that has more pages than the default number of pages for thumbnail-generation, an information-box is shown stating that only 12 (or other value) pages/previews/thumbnails is shown, but the pdf contains all pages. Functionality was already implemented for normal GUI, so this only applies to responsive GUI
• When opening up a mediacategory directly from a link the media-treestructure for this node is now expanded. Applies only to responsive GUI

• In mediaarchive with assets with empty asset description the asset wasn’t shown correctly. Applies only to responsive GUI. Fixed
• In mediaarchive the count of assets in a category included items that was deleted. Applies only to responsive GUI. Fixed
• Selfregistration of users and SingleSignOns did not copy/set the properties from the clone-user for IsCompany and ExternalCompanyNo. Applies only to responsive GUI. Fixed
• AD/Windows authenticated SingleSignOn-users did not inherit the clone-user customproduct-accesses. Fixed
• Customernumber shown in My profile was not showing the customernumber from logged in user/person when the Person was set as a company. Fixed
• Companyname shown in My profile was not showing the users full name from the logged in user/person when the Person was set as a company. Fixed


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