To access the project component, click on the project option in the main navigation. This interactive screen has several features that allow you to sort and find locations quickly. Here is a brief description of how they work.
1. Narrow Results By
Clicking into any of the fields from the following list will sort all the locations by that attribute. The other field will automatically default to ‘all’ because only one sorting selection can be selected in the view at a time.
a. Project Status
A project maintains one status (e.g., Completed, Active, Bidding, etc.) at any given time. Selecting one of these options displays all projects in this status alphabetically.
b. Project type
Projects are identified in standard categories such as: Commercial, Documentary, and Feature Film. Selecting one of these options displays all projects identified in this category alphabetically by name.
2. Search by Alpha
Clicking a letter will narrow the sort only to those project records whose name starts with that letter.
3. Action…
The action… drop-down field allows the user to take a specific action on multiple projects at a time. The actions currently available are: 1) Assign to Staff, 2) Assign to Source, 3) Assign to Status and 4) Assign to Group.
In order to run the actions, click the check-boxes beside each project, select the action to be taken in the drop-down, and click the blue arrow button.
4. Prev | Next
Clicking on these words allow you to page backwards (prev) and forwards (next) through the list of projects. The application currently displays fifteen projects listings per page for ease of viewing.
Each project name will appear underlined when you hover over or cursor over the record. By clicking on the project name, you can edit or change the relevant data for that project.
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