One of the powerful features of Reel-Scout™ is the ability to find places quickly that meet the location scout’s criteria.
1. Search Option
Click search option under the location from the menu list. Note that clicking the LOCATION button itself on the gray bar defaults to the browse option.
In the Search Locations window, type in your search criteria. The search page allows for a multitude of combination of search terms.
a. Search Locations (Free-Form Text)
The text entered here is used to search the following: matching category, subcategory, style, keyword, OR location name. Values entered in this field are used to apply partial text matching – in other word, a search for ‘MAR’ will return: Location name = ‘Marriott Austin’; Location name = ‘Delmar Beach’; Category = ‘Markets’; Style = ‘Italianate Marble’.
b. Category
Category searches are the most popular search criteria because the results are standardized and most reliable. Hold down the CTRL key while clicking to select more than one category and then click the arrow button. If desiring all locations that are identified to the main category, regardless of subcategory, select the main category-[general].
c. Location Name
Location Name is a free-form field. Searching in this field can be partial for the initial letters and words of the title of the location. In other words, searching for location name = ‘mar’ will return all locations whose name begins with ‘mar’ (e.g., Market Square in Monroe County) as well as location names containing ‘mar’ (e.g., Lohmann’s Marriott at Central Market). An entry in the location name field will also check for values in AKA name.
d. Location ID# and Photo ID#
Location ID# and Photo ID# are also free-form fields. However, they require exact character searching.
e. Address
Address is a free-form search field. Results will be pulled for all locations whose Address1 or Address2 fields match the search criteria.
f. Region and County
Region and County fields are single-select drop-down search fields. A value of ‘All’ returns locations that meet all the criteria selected, regardless of the region or county in which they reside. Note that when a county is selected, the screen immediately refreshes and the corresponding region is displayed. The City/Town field is a free-form search field. However, it requires exact character searching.
g. Within Zip Code
Within Zip Code is a single-select field that allows the user to select from 1, 5, 10, 20, 50, and 100 miles from any specified US-based zip code.
h. Style
Style is a single-select search field that defines the architectural period or style that is attributed to a location.
i. Keyword
Keyword is a single-select drop down search option. In other words, only one main keyword-specific search can be conducted at a time. These values are custom and set by the Film Office by the assigned System Administrator.
k. Last Scouted For, Last Scouted By & Filmography
These are also free-form fields. They require exact character searching.
l. Last Modified By
This is a drop-down field whose values are all the users assigned in the system. This searching function allows the user to pull all records modified by a specific user over a date range or period of time.
m. Photos
The photos all locations, only locations with photos or only locations without photos radio boxes will allow you to filter out any locations that have information in the system but do not currently have any photographs posted. This function is especially useful when creating a package for a client but you only want locations that have photo representation.
n. Approved Locations
The approved all locations, only approved locations or only unapproved locations allows users to easily filter out locations whose data and images have been reviewed and approved.
2. Search Button
Click the SEARCH button to return all the locations that match your criteria.
3. Search Criteria
Search criteria are summarized in a text box above the search results. If the search results require additional criteria or further filtering, click the “refine search criteria” link at the top left of the text box summary.
6. Subnavigation Menu Search
Or click search in the subnavigation menu to reset the search criteria and begin a whole new search.
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