Editing or changing information about a project is very similar to adding a project.
1. Edit Project
a. Find Project
Find the project for which you wish to make changes. See Searching for Existing Project section above for more information.
b. Click on Project Name
Each project name will appear underlined when you hover over or cursor over the record. By clicking on the project name, the project view page will open.
c. Project, Contact, Package, or Correspondence
Click on the top tabs for Project, Contact, Package, or Correspondence to display the information you want to change, add or delete. Once in the appropriate tab, click the edit button to move to edit mode.
d. Edit & Done
Make the changes and click done.
2. Remove a Project
To remove the entire project record including contact relationships (but not the actual contact data), package information, and project correspondence history, click the delete button and confirm ‘Yes’ when asked to verify. The project record cannot be restored once the deletion is confirmed.
3. Copy a Project
To copy a project record, simply click the copy button. This action will result in the creation of a new project file with the same data as the original project. The project name defaults to ‘copy of’ followed by the name of the original project until the user edits this field. A new project id is assigned and there is no relationship between the two projects established by the system. As a new project, be sure to enter the contacts, packages, correspondence notes, and locations values where appropriate.
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