The quickest method to upload photos is using the Flash Uploader which is defaulted on the Photo Tab.
1. Enter Date
Enter a date for the image in the date taken field. This field is date formatted and will only accept MM/DD/YYYY and automatically defaults to the current date. For ease of upload, the date taken value entered is stored until changed so that the user does not need to reenter the date each time.
2. Enter Photo Credit
Enter the photo credit (or source) of the image and add appropriate photo notes if needed.
3. Browse for Images
Now click the BROWSE FOR IMAGES button to locate the image files. This will open the ‘Choose File’ window where the folders and drives of the computer will be displayed. By expanding or collapsing the directory tree, find the file and click on it. If there are multiple files that are to be uploaded, hold the CTRL key to continue the selection. If all the images in the folder are to be added, select all. Click Open. The window will close and the file name(s) will appear in the file listing table along with each file storage size.
4. Upload
At this point the user can click Upload. Once the upload button is clicked, the file listing table will display the progress of each file upload via a green progression bar. Once the upload is completed, the page will automatically refresh and all images will be displayed in thumbnail size.
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